- 1055 | Nela's Salon | alemmontes@yahoo.es | 786-631-7010
- 1057 | Amen Tattoo Shop | team@amenmiami.com | 786-812-1226
- 1066 | Harmony Laser Med Spa Inc | info@harmonylaserspa.com | 305-300-5520
- 1074 | Iris Eyelash Studio | irenia@iriseyelashstudio.com | 305-924-5989
- 1130 | Modern Barbershop | 786-702-4304
- 1135 | Essential Spa by Zamy | 786-724-9575
- 2057 | Miami International Barbershop and Boutique | miamiinternationalbarbershop.com | 305-462-0992
- 2072 | My Bliss Beauty Lounge | leyanisar@gmail.com | 786-274-2587

• 1000 | Lourdes Jimenez Mini Mart | jimenezlourdes59@icloud.com | 305-303-9949
• 2074 | Tea House Cafe | yraida@yginstitute.org | 786-316-6103
• 3022 | Cafe La Pulpe | sayapamartinez1969@gmail.com | 786-712-4639
• 3024 | Antojitos Market | 786-814-9370
• 3163 | Jugos Y Mas! | taniagladd@yahoo.com | 786-397-9959
• 3165 | A&D Coffee | arielcmorel@gmail.com | 786-222-1440

- 1037C | Stone Enterprises Group Inc | info@stoneenterprisesgroupinc.com | 786-956-7014

- 2048 | Sun Collection | imadtawil59@gmail.com | 305-773-3565
- 2050 | See-Ya | seeyainc@aol.com | 305-987-9885
- 2085 | Sun Collection | imadtawil59@gmail.com | 305-773-3565

- 1099 | Aracely's Fragrances | guzman@yahoo.com | 305-582-6675

- 1071 | Nicole Lee | newmiami@gmail.com | www.newmiamihandbag.com | 305-266-3399 | 305-266 3344
- 2047 | Bag Town Inc | bagtown2003@yahoo.com | 305-267-1827
- 2109 | Anita's Accesorios Corp | amjyepez@gmail.com | 786-474-7217

- 1042 | Valeruz Inc | valeruz@aol.com | 305-261-2353
- 1043 | World Linen Import | worldlinenimports@yahoo.com | 305-266-9882

- 1009 | Hidalgo Kids | rolando@hidalgokid.com| hidalgokids.com | 954-629-1553
- 1062 | Olga Quinones | oqassoc2018@gmail.com | olgaqkidswear.com | 305-594-7118 | 305-342-0716
- 1138 | Hidalgo Kids | rolando@hidalgokid.com | hidalgokids.com | 954-629-1553

- 1026 | Beads World Inc | beadsworldinc@gmail.com | https://www.loc8nearme.com/florida/miami/beads-world/6830171/ | 786-577-0659 | 305-300-4519
- 1035 | Angel's | fbindustriesllc@gmail.com | 786-577-0659
- 1037A | WOW Fashion Jewelry | mail@mywowshop.com | 646-275-7188
- 1040A | Trendy Designs & Accessories Inc | bexromance@aol.com | 305-725-2150
- 1044 | Rio Jewelry | riosilverjewelry@gmail.com | www.riosilverjewelry.com | 786-599-4309 | 786-615-3046
- 1045 | Trendy Style LLC | ronen33323@yahoo.com | 786-281-3645
- 1058 | Piro Import Export | pirojewelry@gmail.com | 305-744-6469
- 1061 | Rio Jewelry | riosilverjewelry@gmail.com | www.riosilverjewelry.com | 786-599-4309 | 786-615-3046
- 1063 | Willy Jhons | sales@willyjhonsusa.com | 786-539-7277
- 1078 | Moris Jewelry Group | moris@morisjewelrygroup.com | 305-300-7917
- 1091 | Trendy Style LLC | ronen33323@yahoo.com | 786-281-3645
- 1100 | Bozkurt Jewelry & Accessories | cust@bozkurtinc.com | bozkurtjewelry.com | 305-269-3100 | 786-271-7685
- 1106 | Bisuteria X&O Inc | sales@bisuteriaxo.net | www.bisuteriaxo.com | 786-740-3323 | 786-420-5525
- 1117 | Beads World Inc. | beadsworldinc@gmail.com | 786-577-0659
- 1137 | Victory Jewelry | victoryjewelrymiami@gmail.com | 786-618-8288
- 2002 | Oslo Jewelry | oslojewelryllc@gmail.com | www.oslojewelry.com | 305-540-5171
- 2052 | Mina's Jewelry Inc | minas925ssmx@aol.com | 305-267-7224 | 305-525-5569
- 2054 | G&L Eastern Trading | jianguozeng@hotmail.com | 305-266-8884
- 2056 | 777 Trading Co | nw_777trading@hotmail.com | 305-266-7228
- 2062 | Sun Moon Star | sunmoonstar33117@bellsouth.net | 305-262-4187
- 2066 | Lana Jewelry | rafaelmonsionbbt@gmail.com | @lanajewelry20 | 786-612-5856
- 2068 | Sun Jewelry & Art Inc | sunjewelry@outlook.com | sunjewelryart.com | 786-388-8598
- 2069 | Trendy Style LLC | ronen33323@yahoo.com | 786-281-3645
- 2079 | Amber Room/Artistic Silver | amberroom1@hotmail.com | 305-265-9001 | https://www.etsy.com/shop/ARTISTICSILVER | www.amberroomcollection.com
- 2080 | Next Fashion Jewelry Inc | nextfashionjewelry@gmail.com | nextfashionjewelry.net | 305-877-7303
- 2095 | Lavina Jewelry | lavinajewelry@aol.com | 305-267-1980
- 2103 | Angel Trading Jewelry | angeltrad@gmail.com | 305-261-7052
- 3137 | Hadassah Jewelry | luisykaren@hotmail.com | 786-784-4055 | 305-510-1527

- 1010 | Lazaro Design Corp | sanchez.lazaro@gmail.com | www.lazarosanchez.com | 305-439-8889
- 1046B | Atik Corp | david@atikshop.com | 305-951-5259
- 1064 | Go Beach Inc | rosamckinleyllc@yahoo.com | www.sunflair.de | 305-586-5422 | 305-599-8998
- 1067 | Donna B. Fashion | donnab.fashion@gmail.com | 305-335-7493
- 1081 | OZ Otayma Designs | paocappa@gmail.com | 786-451-1335
- 1082 | OZ Otayma Designs | paocappa@gmail.com | 786-451-1335
- 1085 | White Cotton Club | 305-527-5399
- 1097 | Vrishan by Castejon Crystals Sport | kstejon@hotmail.com | 786-657-0924
- 1102 | Ranee's | ranees2@aol.com | 305-262-0707
- 1110A | CarZula's Fashion | carzulas@gmail.com | www.carzulas.com | 786-663-4864 | 305-381-0839 | 786-262-3618
- 1112 | Atelier Chanis | enriquechanis28@gmail.com | 786-343-4692
- 2133 | Island Dreams Fashque | info@fashquedesigns.com | www.fashquedesigns.com | 305-266-5150 | 305-266-5151 | 305-812-5944

- 1027 | Balto Plastic Surgery | 786-228-1510
- 1053 | A&B Community Mental Center LLC | abmedicalcenterinc@gmail.com | 954-604-5298
- 2015 | Sky Station LLC | skystation1979@gmail.com | 786-637-2843
- 2043 | Brias Medical Equipment Inc | briasjrmedical@gmail.com | 305-381-51107
- 2108 | I & J Home Healthcare | gonjory0817@gmail.com | 305-586-6730
- 3075 | Las Tias All Insurance | help@lastiasallinsurance.com | 305-998-7667
- 3109 | Orca Health Insurance | adrianr@orcahealth.net | 786-220-1385
- 3124 | Rainbow Forever Market Inc | rainbowforever1963@gmail.com | 786-485-4970
- 3130B | Amacer Group | ariannecerra@gmail.com | 786-227-1813
- 3138B | South General Insurance Corp | agentyury@gmail.com | 786-808-8692
- 3145B | TC Medical Equipment LLC | tcmedicalequipmentllc@gmail.com | 305-456-1416

- 1127A | NoMo Distributors | kurny@yahoo.com | 305-962-3481
- 1129 | JNJ International Inc | jc@jnj-us.com | jnj-us.com | 786-253-1960
- 1140 | Florsheim International | gonzalo.pena@shoesamerica.com | 786-604-6862

- 1059 | South Florida Estate Realty | abilio914@gmail.com | 786-486-5782
- 3030 | Concasa Honduras | usa@concasahn.com | 786-328-6614
- 3126 | Double A Realty LLC | jyoti@beverlyrose.com | 305-266-7677

- 1052 | Imagen Modeling | angela@calderon.com | imagenmodeling.com | 305-305-0728 | 305-323-9737 | 786-290-8551
- 1060 | J.E.S. International Group, Inc | jesfinter@hotmail.com | 786-473-6859
- 1075 | International Trading Center LLC | lfranky@internationaltradingcenter.com | internationaltradingcenter.com | 786-477-4175
- 1076 | Co.Lab Studios LLC | thefamousangel@gmail.com | 305-439-8771
- 1080 | Vozeto Graphic Solutions Corp | vozetographics@gmail.com | 786-569-6252
- 1083 | Almira Counseling Services Inc | almiracounselingservices2023@gmail.com | 786-675-5849
- 1128 | Luis Nunez Public Adjuster, Inc | lnunezpa@aol.com | lnunezpublicadjusters.com | 786-486-8320
- 2058 | Ripwayz LLC | ripwayz305@gmail.com | 786-304-8414
- 2071 | Berquez LLC | hberges@berquezllc.com | 305-956-8218
- 2099 | USA Kaya Corp | diego@medkaya.com.br | 305-801-5008
- 2110 | YG Institute | yraida@yginstitute.org | 786-499-6600
- 3002 | Level Tech Surveyors | leveltechsurvey@yahoo.com | leveltechsurveyors.com | 305-261-8483
- 3003 | The Printing Mart | printingmart@aol.com | 305-261-3206
- 3018 | Consulate General of Honduras | proteccionhn.miami@gmail.com | 786-409-5623
- 3023 | Ayuda Al Inmigrante, LLC | carlospcodi@yahoo.com | 786-326-6744
- 3025 | John Ibarra LLC | janet@ibarralandsurveyors.com | www.ibarralandsurveyors.com | 305-262-0400 | 239-540-2660
- 3077 | Yetka Industries, Inc | info.usa@yetkaplumbing.com | 786-220-1165
- 3125 | K & A Graphic and Avenir | info@kagraphic.com | 305-392-9572
- 3129A | Set of Plans, LLC | info@setofplans.com | 786-657-9224
- 3133 | Delta Insurance Underwriters Inc | deltainsund@aol.com | 305-269-1107
- 3143 | David & Moises, LLC | hlop@hotmail.com | 786-307-5396
- 3144 | R&D Travel Service LLC | egarcia@dopazoyravenna.com | 786-920-1744
- 3146 | US Parking | maritza-rojas@outlook.com | 305-970-5194
- 3159 | All Star Global Multi Services Inc | nelsonoliva07@gmail.com | 305-733-9490
- 3160 | United 4Y Pais Save Now Assurance Corp | cpadilla488@gmail.com | 786-327-0745
- 3164 | Mulserv Corp | oscararaujo@gmail.com | andres@mulserv.net | 504-339-7666 | 786-277-2308

- 2046 | Ebel Collection Inc | ebelcollections@aol.com | www.ebelcollection.com | 305-262-3446 | 305-799-3446
- 2067 | United Time Corp | 305-785-3617